Your chimney should be cleaned and inspected at least once a year according to the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) and other veteran professionals. It should also always be swept when any amount of glazed creosote is present. Experts worldwide have told customers that exact statement a thousand times.
How often should you seal your chimney?
In addition to using the right chimney sealant, proper application is also crucial for success. Leave sealant application to experienced chimney sweep experts to prevent brick deterioration caused by moisture. Many experts claim that chimney sealant can provide protection against moisture for as long as 15 to 20 years.
What is the most common cause of chimney deterioration?
Over time, the bricks and mortar joints in most chimneys begin to deteriorate. Unfortunately, chimney deterioration is a natural process due to exposure to the elements, such as rain, snow, ice and winds. These elements can impact the chimney from all directions, so deterioration is often inevitable
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